Triip LLC
Nowadays people are too busy with modern technology, often forgetting about the real life communication and it’s importance in our lives. Some others are too busy providing time for the surrounding people. The process of eating is the best time to forget about everyday problems and share your time with others. Unlike the other food apps, we try to combine social communications with eating. One of the main innovations of Triip is that we take into account friends’ preferences and suggestions, also we will have an opportunity to discuss with the selected group of friends. The user can immediately reserve seats after deciding with friends when and where to go. You can even just select a mood and wait for suggestions and discussions.
Triip is a multifunctional tool to organize the whole process of eating. A multiplatform mobile app will be created that will give the opportunity to find a desired food service and reserve a seat as well as follow friends’ and other users’ activities, get invitations, discuss with friends and make food decisions together.